CARGOMETER impresses at the Mobility 2017 national awards
CARGOMETER impresses at the Mobility 2017 national awards

Vienna business CARGOMETER was nominated for the national Mobility prize from an impressive variety of projects entered, along with AVL list and Kreisel-Akku. The prize is considered to be the highest accolade that the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) can award an Austrian business.
CARGOMETER won points thanks to its fully-automated 3D freight dimensioning system for moving forklifts. Currently, around 15 percent of cargoes are allocated incorrect tariffs due to imprecise measurement data. This results in poor utilisation of the loading spaces and consequent financial and environmental costs. CARGOMETER’s goal is to avoid these costs, with a new system that is able to take precise measurements of the goods as the moving forklift passes through the loading gate. With the motto “Every millimetre counts”, CARGOMETER is establishing new standards for freight dimensioning and capacity optimisation for large HGV fleets.

At the awards ceremony on 27 November 2017, held in the Museum of Applied Arts, Transport Minister Mag. Jörg Leichtfried praised the winning projects for their fantastic solutions. Managing director Dr Michael Baumgartner: “We are incredibly happy to be players at this level. Our big-picture vision is to reduce CO2, conserve resources, optimise networks and improve utilisation”. The journey throughout Europe continues – CARGOMETER’s goal is to revolutionise cargo logistics. The nomination for the national prize was an important step towards this goal.
You can watch a short summary video of the awards ceremony
see press material
More information about the “Mobility 2017” national prize
- INFOTHEK des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie: „Staatspreis Mobilität 2017: Wertschöpfung steigern. Märkte erschließen.“
- APA: Staatspreis Mobilität 2017: „Verkehrsminister Leichtfried prämiert Sieger“
- Futurezone: „Staatspreis Mobilität 2017: Das sind die Nominierten“
- „Staatspreis Mobilität 2017: Neue Wege weisen, Zukunftspotenzial entfalten und mehr“
- Falter: „Platz und Geld im LKW sparen“