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… is an innovative and cost-effective solution for 3D freight measurement during goods handling


… is an innovative and cost-effective solution for 3D freight measurement during goods handling

The main innovations of CARGOMETER are the “on-the-fly” measurement and weighing on the moving forklift and the location of the measurement: the loading gates of the handling terminals – this is where every pallet has to go through. CARGOMETER thus enables optimized logistics processes and correct charging of the freight space.

Product components


… records the dimensions (length, width and height) and volume of each package up to a speed of 10 km/h.


… uses forklift scales to weigh the freight during travel.


… replaces manual scanning of two-dimensional barcodes (e.g. QR codes) with fully-automatic recognition in motion.

Illustration der Frachtvermessung am fahrenden Gabelstapler mit CARGOMETER


Revenue increase

Correct tariff classification leads to revenue increases of up to 5 %.

Network optimisation

With precise volume and weigh information available, it becomes possible to optimise utilisation in national and international cargo networks.

Green logistics

Network optimisation results in a significant reduction in environmental footprint.


Automatic measurement in motion

Cargo is metered, weighed and scanned as it passes through the loading gate.

No additional space needed

The sensors can be mounted directly on the terminal wall.

Recording of entire freight volume

Thanks to inexpensive high-tech sensors, CARGOMETER can be added to every loading gate in the terminal.

Workflow unaffected

There is no need to modify processes inside the terminal.

Do you want optimized logistics?

Use all the advantages of CARGOMETER and contact us now!